Ekspozycja na pepsynę w środowisku niekwaśnym zwiększa ekspresję mucyny 5AC (MUC5AC) poprzez metaloproteinazę macierzy 9 (MMP9)/czynnik jądrowy κB (NF-κB) w ludzkich komórkach nabłonka dróg oddechowych
Refluks żołądkowy (GR) to cofanie się treści żołądkowej do przewodu pokarmowego. Wcześniej stwierdzono, że GR jest związany z chorobami zapalnymi dróg oddechowych i potencjalną przyczyną przebudowy dróg oddechowych. Przewlekła ekspozycja na treść żołądkową może powodować uszkodzenia od nosa do płuc, ponieważ enzymy trawienne i kwasowość są toksyczne dla komórek nabłonka dróg oddechowych.
Ostatnio stwierdzono, że toksyczność pepsyny w środowisku niekwaśnym zwiększa prozapalne cytokiny i receptory w nabłonku przewodu pokarmowego. Jednak wpływ pepsyny w warunkach bezkwasowych na ekspresję mucyny nie był badany w ludzkich komórkach nabłonka dróg oddechowych. Celem tego badania była ocena wpływu pepsyny na ekspresję mucyny 5AC (MUC5AC) w komórkach nabłonka górnych i dolnych dróg oddechowych jako ważnego potencjalnego czynnika niekwaśnego zapalenia dróg oddechowych związanego z GR.
Walidacja w Chinach nieinwazyjnego biomarkera pepsyny ślinowej zawierającego dwa unikalne przeciwciała monoklonalne dla ludzkiej pepsyny do diagnozowania choroby refluksowej przełyku.

Białko szoku cieplnego 70 jest indukowane przez pepsynę za pośrednictwem sygnalizacji MAPK w ludzkich komórkach nabłonka nosa
Spontaniczna , katalizowana pepsyną C aktywacja ludzkiego pepsynogenu C w hodowli zawiesinowej transgenicznych komórek ryżu: Produkcja i charakterystyka ludzkiej pepsyny C.
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
20-abx152697 | Abbexa |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
CN-03533H1 | ChemNorm | 96T | 561.6 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
CN-03533H2 | ChemNorm | 48T | 386.4 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA kit |
E01A7100 | BlueGene | 96T | 700 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
20-abx258448 | Abbexa |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
abx258448-1mg | Abbexa | 1 mg | 6187.5 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
abx258448-20g | Abbexa | 20 µg | 3275 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
abx258448-5g | Abbexa | 5 µg | 687.5 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
abx253017-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | 493.75 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA kit |
E01P0699-192T | BlueGene | 192 tests | 1524 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA kit |
E01P0699-48 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 48 wells | 624 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA kit |
E01P0699-48wellsplate | BlueGene | 48 wells plate | 280 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA kit |
E01P0699-96 | BlueGene | 1 plate of 96 wells | 822 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA kit |
E01P0699-96wellsplate | BlueGene | 96 wells plate | 405 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS042633-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS042633-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS042633-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS042633-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS263717-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 3040 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS263717-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 285 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS263717-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 1670 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS263717-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 405 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS3801413-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS3801413-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS3801413-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS3801413-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS3802633-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6725 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS3802633-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 550 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS3802633-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3420 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS3802633-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 765 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS761674-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 3900 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS761674-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 340 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS761674-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 2045 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS761674-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 455 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS732928-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 5685 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS732928-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 485 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS732928-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3020 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit |
MBS732928-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 690 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA Kit |
201-12-0923 | Shanghai Sunred Biological Technology | 96 tests | 528 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA KIT |
E0922Hu-1096T | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 10*96T | 4122 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA KIT |
E0922Hu-48wells | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 48 wells | 300 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA KIT |
E0922Hu-596T | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 5*96T | 2061 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA KIT |
E0922Hu-96wells | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 96 wells | 458 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
CEA632Hu-10x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 10x96-wells test plate | 5402.92 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
CEA632Hu-1x48wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 1x48-wells test plate | 550.13 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
CEA632Hu-1x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 1x96-wells test plate | 734.46 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
CEA632Hu-5x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 5x96-wells test plate | 2945.08 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
4-CEA632Hu | Cloud-Clone |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
CSB-E08919h-24T | Cusabio | 1 plate of 24 wells | 198 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA Kit |
CSB-E08919h-48T | Cusabio | 48T | 385.13 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
1-CSB-E08919h | Cusabio |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA Kit |
CSB-E08919h-96T | Cusabio | 96T | 592.5 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
AE27867HU-48T | Abebio | 48T | 360 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
AE27867HU-48Tests | Abebio | 48 Tests | 360 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
AE27867HU-96T | Abebio | 96T | 680 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
AE27867HU-96Tests | Abebio | 96 Tests | 680 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA KIT |
JOT-EK5837Hu | Jotbody | 96 wells | Ask for price |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU08576-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 527.66 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU08576-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 3580.55 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU08576-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 753.8 EUR |
Human Pepsin(PP)ELISA Kit |
GA-E0939HM-48T | GenAsia Biotech | 48T | 346.8 EUR |
Human Pepsin(PP)ELISA Kit |
GA-E0939HM-48Tests | GenAsia Biotech | 48 Tests | Ask for price |
Human Pepsin(PP)ELISA Kit |
GA-E0939HM-96T | GenAsia Biotech | 96T | 559.2 EUR |
Human Pepsin(PP)ELISA Kit |
GA-E0939HM-96Tests | GenAsia Biotech | 96 Tests | 388 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU11601-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 610.82 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU11601-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 4144.85 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU11601-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 872.6 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU10193-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 555.66 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU10193-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 3770.55 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKU10193-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 793.8 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
EH3629 | FN Test | 96T | 628.92 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
EKF57694-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 396.9 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
EKF57694-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 2693.25 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
EKF57694-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 567 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
EKE61151-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 3124.08 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
EKE61151-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 657.7 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) Elisa Kit |
EK713327 | AFG Bioscience LLC | 96 Wells | 0.34 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN49687-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 328.44 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN49687-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 2228.7 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN49687-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 469.2 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN52712-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 380.31 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN52712-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 2580.68 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN52712-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 543.3 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN51304-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 345.73 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN51304-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 2346.03 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
EKN51304-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 493.9 EUR |
Human Pepsin(PP) ELISA Kit |
EIA06199h | Enlibio | each | 430 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
EK8569 | SAB | 96Т | 799 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA Kit |
EKC34940-48T | Biomatik Corporation | 48T | 597.24 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA Kit |
EKC34940-5x96T | Biomatik Corporation | 5x96T | 4052.7 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA Kit |
EKC34940-96T | Biomatik Corporation | 96T | 853.2 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA KIT |
E5837Hu-1096T | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 10*96T | 4122 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA KIT |
E5837Hu-48wells | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 48 wells | 300 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA KIT |
E5837Hu-596T | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 5*96T | 2061 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PG ELISA KIT |
E5837Hu-96wells | Jiaxing Korain Biotech Ltd (BT Labs) | 96 wells | 458 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA KIT |
JOT-EK0922Hu | Jotbody | 96 wells | Ask for price |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
KTE61240-48T | Abbkine | 48T | 359 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
KTE61240-96T | Abbkine | 96T | 619 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
KTE61240-96T5 | Abbkine | 96 T×5 | 2809 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
KTE61240-96T50 | Abbkine | 96 T×50 | 26209 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
MBS285220-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 6840 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
MBS285220-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 480 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
MBS285220-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3610 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
MBS285220-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 805 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS1606717-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 3460 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS1606717-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 285 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS1606717-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 1750 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS1606717-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 425 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PP ELISA Kit |
MBS162469-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 3460 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PP ELISA Kit |
MBS162469-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 285 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PP ELISA Kit |
MBS162469-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 1750 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PP ELISA Kit |
MBS162469-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 425 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS2511449-10x96Tests | MyBiosource | 10x96Tests | 4060 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS2511449-24Tests | MyBiosource | 24Tests | 265 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS2511449-48Tests | MyBiosource | 48Tests | 450 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS2511449-5x96Tests | MyBiosource | 5x96Tests | 2265 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS2511449-96Tests | MyBiosource | 96Tests | 535 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2024876-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 5100 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2024876-24StripWells | MyBiosource | 24-Strip-Wells | 350 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2024876-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 520 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2024876-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 2795 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2024876-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 695 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2018943-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 5320 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2018943-24StripWells | MyBiosource | 24-Strip-Wells | 360 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2018943-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 545 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2018943-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 2915 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2018943-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 720 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2702185-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 3130 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2702185-24StripWells | MyBiosource | 24-Strip-Wells | 255 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2702185-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 330 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2702185-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 1630 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2702185-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 420 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2700241-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 2980 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2700241-24StripWells | MyBiosource | 24-Strip-Wells | 245 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2700241-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 325 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2700241-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 1555 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
MBS2700241-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 395 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS704203-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 5925 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS704203-24StripWellsLIMIT1 | MyBiosource | 24-Strip-Wells(LIMIT1) | 275 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS704203-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 600 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS704203-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 3105 EUR |
Human Pepsin, PG ELISA Kit |
MBS704203-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 855 EUR |
Human Pepsin A ELISA Kit |
MBS762223-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 3900 EUR |
Human Pepsin A ELISA Kit |
MBS762223-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 340 EUR |
Human Pepsin A ELISA Kit |
MBS762223-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 2045 EUR |
Human Pepsin A ELISA Kit |
MBS762223-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 455 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS8807358-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 3130 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS8807358-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 350 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS8807358-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 1710 EUR |
Human PP (Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
MBS8807358-96StripWells | MyBiosource | 96-Strip-Wells | 445 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit (PP) |
MBS9137645-INQUIRE | MyBiosource | INQUIRE | Ask for price |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
MBS9714905-48Tests | MyBiosource | 48Tests | 350 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
MBS9714905-5x96Tests | MyBiosource | 5x96Tests | 1940 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PG) ELISA Kit |
MBS9714905-96Tests | MyBiosource | 96Tests | 520 EUR |
Human Pepsin A ELISA Kit |
MBS9425904-5x96Tests | MyBiosource | 5x96Tests | 2820 EUR |
Human Pepsin A ELISA Kit |
MBS9425904-96Tests | MyBiosource | 96Tests | 615 EUR |
Human Pepsin(PP)ELISA Kit |
NSL1752Hu | Sunlong | 96 wells | 468 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
SEA632Hu-10x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 10x96-wells test plate | 5677.8 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
SEA632Hu-1x48wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 1x48-wells test plate | 572.76 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
SEA632Hu-1x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 1x96-wells test plate | 766.8 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
SEA632Hu-5x96wellstestplate | Cloud-Clone | 5x96-wells test plate | 3090.6 EUR |
Human Pepsin (PP) ELISA Kit |
4-SEA632Hu | Cloud-Clone |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
SYP-H0449-48wellsplate | UpingBio | 48 wells plate | 180 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
SYP-H0449-96wellsplate | UpingBio | 96 wells plate | 220 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA Kit |
SL1348Hu | Sunlong | 96 Tests | 468 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
RE2201H-48wells | Reed Biotech | 48 wells | 116.55 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
RE2201H-48wellsplate | Reed Biotech | 48 wells plate | 126 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
RE2201H-96wells | Reed Biotech | 96 wells | 161.55 EUR |
Human PP(Pepsin) ELISA Kit |
RE2201H-96wellsplate | Reed Biotech | 96 wells plate | 180 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit (PP) |
RK02117 | Abclonal | 96 Tests | 322.37 EUR |
Human Pepsin ELISA Kit (PP) |
RK02119 | Abclonal | 96T | 322.37 EUR |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA Kit |
YLA1674HU-48T | Shanghai YL Biotech | 48T | Ask for price |
Human Pepsin,PP ELISA Kit |
YLA1674HU-96T | Shanghai YL Biotech | 96T | Ask for price |
Human Pepsin A-3 ELISA Kit |
abx513566-96tests | Abbexa | 96 tests | 801.6 EUR |
Human Pepsin A-3 ELISA Kit |
MBS2880091-10x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 10x96-Strip-Wells | 4080 EUR |
Human Pepsin A-3 ELISA Kit |
MBS2880091-48StripWells | MyBiosource | 48-Strip-Wells | 390 EUR |
Human Pepsin A-3 ELISA Kit |
MBS2880091-5x96StripWells | MyBiosource | 5x96-Strip-Wells | 2220 EUR |