Lentiwirus owiec (OvLV) jest lentiwirusem makrofagotropowym występującym w wielu krajach, który powoduje śródmiąższowe zapalenie płuc, zapalenie sutka, zapalenie stawów i kacheksję u owiec. Nie ma szczepionki zapobiegawczej ani lekarstwa, ale różnice między rasami sugerują, że selektywna hodowla wspomagana markerami może poprawić szanse na zakażenie i kontrolę OvLV po zakażeniu. Chociaż warianty w TMEM154 mają spójny związek z […]
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Comparison of the ELISA and ECL Assay for Vedolizumab Anti-drug Antibodies: Assessing the Impact on Pharmacokinetics and Safety Outcomes of the Phase 3 GEMINI Trials
Vedolizumab immunogenicity was assessed using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with ~ 0.5 ug / mL drug disorders, which may underestimate the on-drug immunogenicity. We aimed to compare the results between ELISA and immunogenicity of a new drug-tolerant electrochemiluminescence (ECL) assay (and two versions of neutralizing tests, drug-sensitive to the drug-tolerant). ECL assay drug tolerance […]
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Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs.
BLAST program is widely used tool to find protein and DNA databases for sequence similarities. For protein comparisons, various definitions, algorithmic and statistical improvements described here allows the BLAST program execution time will decrease substantially while increasing their sensitivity to weak similarity. New criteria to trigger the expansion of word hits, combined with new heuristics […]
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